The author formed the book in the shape and form he wanted it to be. And he did it succesfully. The story of his life gets told in a way that let's the reader be in charge. Let's the reader see it the way he wants to. The story has it's up and downs, but they come when Che has his ups and downs, meaning that the story is captative. The story starts from the start and goes on to beyond the end. The end of his life that is.
The book told the story of Ernesto Guevara de la Serna's life chronologically as things happened. It contained every important happening of his life. And left out only the things that would have brought the book down. In other words, he perfected the book.
The Author stands neutral troughout the entire book. Which he is supposed to. Yet he managed to get his oppinions out in the open anyway. And he did that without even touching the readers oppinion of the big question, was he a saint or a sinner?
The book gives us the information we're loking for if we want to know more about his life both before and after he joined up with Fidel Castro. Also if we wanted to know some other non-political facts about him, we would be satisfied. It gives us a clear overlook of his entire life and acomplishments, what he stands for and what he is against and so much more.
This book I found extremely interesting, good and exiting. And it is a biography! Yes, I really liked it. It was so full of all kinds of facts and knowledge about Che. I would recommend this book, but like any other biography you have to be into that person/group of persons to be able to like it, so that is who I am Recommending it to, the people who wants to know more about the man who among only 15 others beat an entire countries army, The ones who look at him as a hero and a saint and those who are interested in the cuban revolution.'
Title: Che Guevara
Author: Håvard Henmo
Thi s review was written by Jonny «Shevy» Skjevik...