A little about me and my blog.....

Hi, I am Shevy and I will be your blogger this evening ^^

I am a now 18 year old student who's life consists of movies, books, music and friends (and school)......:-D

I have a hobby of writing reviews on every movie I see and every book I read. And I found out that I might as well share my oppinions and meanings with the world....

And so I started This Blog. I will post my reviews here, and probable some other things along the way as well, I will try and make it as good and interesting as possible (and fancy with polls and such)....

I hope you enjoy my blog and feel free to comment on anything I've posted/said/read/done or anything else for that matter, ask me questions about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING, come with requests for reviews you want, answer my polls and follow me if you'd like :-D

Enjoy :-D


He lived an interesting life...

The author formed the book in the shape and form he wanted it to be. And he did it succesfully. The story of his life gets told in a way that let's the reader be in charge. Let's the reader see it the way he wants to. The story has it's up and downs, but they come when Che has his ups and downs, meaning that the story is captative. The story starts from the start and goes on to beyond the end. The end of his life that is.

The book told the story of Ernesto Guevara de la Serna's life chronologically as things happened. It contained every important happening of his life. And left out only the things that would have brought the book down. In other words, he perfected the book.

The Author stands neutral troughout the entire book. Which he is supposed to. Yet he managed to get his oppinions out in the open anyway. And he did that without even touching the readers oppinion of the big question, was he a saint or a sinner?

The book gives us the information we're loking for if we want to know more about his life both before and after he joined up with Fidel Castro. Also if we wanted to know some other non-political facts about him, we would be satisfied. It gives us a clear overlook of his entire life and acomplishments, what he stands for and what he is against and so much more.

This book I found extremely interesting, good and exiting. And it is a biography! Yes, I really liked it. It was so full of all kinds of facts and knowledge about Che. I would recommend this book, but like any other biography you have to be into that person/group of persons to be able to like it, so that is who I am Recommending it to, the people who wants to know more about the man who among only 15 others beat an entire countries army, The ones who look at him as a hero and a saint and those who are interested in the cuban revolution.'


Title: Che Guevara

Author: Håvard Henmo

Thi s review was written by Jonny «Shevy» Skjevik...


What movies do you want me to review....

Are there any special films you want a review on tell me.....And I'll see if I can't get it into my "Thight " schedule......;D

Tell me what to review, help me spread the word about this blog and last but certainly not least, ENJOY my blog....

Totally magical...

The movie was wrapped around a wizard family that constantly fights and never stop having issues. New issues turns up every day. And in this movie, one of the issues gets to big and the daughter indirectly casts a spell that makes their parents total strangers. Just as if they never met. And that being said, if they never met, the kids shouldn't be existing. And they find out that if they don't do anything soon, they will cease to exist.

This movie was based on a Disney Channel TV-series called «The wizards on Waverly place», so it is not strange that it does not contain violence and that sort of things. The movie was however very good. The general idea of the every day fighting family is simply genius. Now, if you add some magic to that family, you get the Russo's. Now imagine the kids hate each other, at least it seems that way. They have to work together and co-operate to fix the mess they are in.

The characters are good. As any other cliché fighting-family it consists of two parents who is very different, and 3 kids (usually it's two kids, but whatever). Two opposites and a random mess (yes, I am talking about the kids). And an ex-wizard who are similar to the kids in some ways, but totally not in some other ways.

The settings were good, they were very different. In other words, they varied. And that is pretty important, that it's not just at the hotel, the beach or whatever. And it didn't vary like from one side of the city to the other. It went from city life to more exotic places and to the rainforest. It varied the way it is suppose to. Taking something and turning it up-side down.

The atmosphere between the characters changed from good to tense and other ones. It was good at that area as well.

Maybe it's just me or the fact that I watched the film online in bad quality, but when it came to the effects I wasn't to impressed (but it could seriously be the horrible quality, cause it was really bad). I am not going to say to much about the effects, actually, all I was going to say, has already been said.

The movie was filled with adventure, action, conflicts, weirdos and comedy. It was kind of like a great mix of Indiana Jones, Jumanji and Harry Potter. Some scenes really stuck to me. Some stuck to me because they made me laugh. And some because of the thrill. And some others simply because of the good cliché lines.

To finish of this review I would like to say that I enjoyed this film, and if you like fantasy, magic, spells, adventure, action or just enjoy all Disney films I think you will too. If I were to rate this film with the maximum score being 10 stars, I would rate it with 6.

Title: The wizards of Waverly place: The movie

This Review was written by Jonny “Shevy” Skjevik...

Surprise, surprise.....

Here is a filmreview even I dedn't see coming....

Enjoy ;D


Upcoming review.....

Soon (probable at monday or tuesday next week), I will post my review of the biography about Che Guevara...

hope ya like....

Goodnight people....

Death is funny now days...

Frank is a «Psychic investigator» or as I like to call him, a con artist.
He fools people who recently has lost someone close for a living. It isn't going to well. Actually nothing is going well for Frank. Buisness is going to hell (which someone else in the movie actually will too), he fells in love with this girl he has scammed when he meets her a second time to find out she is going to die. And his co-cons are «getting to old for this shit», and he faces the man in the cape, chases him and tries to stop him from killing people, which ends up in people thinking he killed them. And as if that is not enough, his co-workers are poltergeists!

The idea that is Franks job situation and the rest of his situation is brilliant!
And Frank himself «grows» throughout the film. He changes from a person who thinks of money in front of everything else, and whose only feeling is anger and misery, into a loving, caring person who would take a bullet for other people (actually he does, sort of).

I liked all of the characters, but especially the poltergeists Frank worked with, cause of their totally different personalities, language, opinions and cultural heritage.
And I liked the federal agent, Cause of his manias and clothing. It gave him a «bad guy-look». Not that that is weird, as alike Adolf as he is.
And the nutjob with my name, Johnny (I write it without the H duh) well, I like him for being the nutty maniac he is. And how good he is to count, wow!
And the sheriff character because he fit the general image of the typical sheriff.
And I liked the other characters as well of course, I liked them all, at least the ones I can remember, but the ones I remember I can be sure was good, because they were rememberable. The characters were amazing. They just were.

The destination of the story was good to. The atmosphere in that little town were perfect! The concept of a little town where everybody knows everybody and where nothing ever happens is genius itself. The nature and the diferent landscapes were very good.

And the storyline is genius! I will not tell you anything (more) that happened, therefore I skip telling about the great storyline. The excitement curve rises exactly the tempo it is supposed to (according to me anyways). The mystery survives to the very end. They drop off hints along the road every now and then. The action- and the comedybar is both high. As high as they can be without pushing the other one down. It is the perfect mix of everything!

And on top of it all, the effects and the music were great too! (I mean, the effects probable could have been better, but they were so good that I didn't notice how bad they were...Or something like that)

If I were to rate this film with ten as maximum score I would probable give it 6-7.

Title: The Frighteners
Genre: Horror-comedy

This Film review was written by Jonny “Shevy” Skjevik...
Thank you for reading...


Hi....I've started my own blog.....=D

Hi y'all :D

I am very (over) exited about this blog.....:D

It will probable stay unknown for (ever) a long time, but I'm going to keep it updated anyways....:D

I love watching movies and reading books (and so much more of course....) this blog will mainly be about movies and books. I will post all my reviews here. After EVERY movie I watch and book I read I will post a review here :D

So, I hope you'll like it :D

