A little about me and my blog.....

Hi, I am Shevy and I will be your blogger this evening ^^

I am a now 18 year old student who's life consists of movies, books, music and friends (and school)......:-D

I have a hobby of writing reviews on every movie I see and every book I read. And I found out that I might as well share my oppinions and meanings with the world....

And so I started This Blog. I will post my reviews here, and probable some other things along the way as well, I will try and make it as good and interesting as possible (and fancy with polls and such)....

I hope you enjoy my blog and feel free to comment on anything I've posted/said/read/done or anything else for that matter, ask me questions about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING, come with requests for reviews you want, answer my polls and follow me if you'd like :-D

Enjoy :-D


The youtuber, The chastity belt & The fantasy

Tree friends who can't get laid, try to work together and give each other advice on how to approach a woman and such, but what's the point of that when none of them know shit? They couldn't get laid, not a chance in the world, until they found....THE BIBLE!!!

And now that they have some help, they try again to get laid with the woman of their dreams. Will they succeed? Will they get on Youtube? Will they be there the morning after? Will this be hilarious? Who knows, Check it out!

I thought this film was awesome! Just like the other American pies, this one was hilarious too. The plot is just brilliant! And the fact that the book is almost unreadable just makes it even better. All the mistakes they made, all the funny details and the brilliant lines. Stifler was a little too goofy in this one ( it's a new Stifler so...), but he is a Stifler indeed. I like how it ends for Stifler in this movie (since I'm from Norway and all). It was just pure brilliancy, they have done it once again.
The music in the film was really awesome!!!
The setting was good and original. I liked it a lot. And the story and the plot was just brilliant (as mentioned before) as were the characters.

I can't say I found much to complain about in this movie, but there were some minor details. Here is what I found:

  • I found Stifler to be to childish (making that noise all the time and all that, but still, it's Stifler)

  • And Stiflers friend Moose, he just didn't look real. He Looked like a cartoon figure from “Little red riding hood” or “Hoodwinked”.

I don't want to say to much about the characterization except that it is just plain hilarious, in other words extremely good! What made it good were all the distinctiveness (They were just unique). Why I don't wanna say more about them? You just have to see them for your self...

Anyways, this was a good movie. I really enjoyed it. It wasn't to predictable, but it's American pie, so your bound to see some of whats coming. It made me laugh and cry and all at the same time (think those two might be connected somehow?) It had romance, good-old characters we already know, it had comedy,comedy,comedy and more comedy and Stifler......and a moose....

I can recommend this along with all the other American Pie-movies with all my lounges (which are still tired and hurting after yesterdays movie) and heart.

For my ranking I'm giving it 7.5 / 10 stars.....

At IMDB it only has 4.8, but it just came out so it hasn't got a lot of ratings yet.

This review was written by Jonny “Shevy” Skjevik



Kai Koss har kommet tilbake til hjembyen sin fordi mora er død. Han arver huset hennes og alt det andre. Huset virker og være hjemsøkt eller forbannet, men hvem tror på sånt sant? Merkelige ting skjedde nå i alle fall. Folk ble funnet død. Myrdet i huset. Det dukker opp minner fra barndommen til Kai. Minner som han hadde prøvd å fortrenge. Og det av en grunn, en god grunn. En person fra barndommen hans dukker opp i skyggene. Er han der, eller er det bare hallusinasjoner? Værre ting begynner å skje. Å folk mistenker Kai for det. Dette kan ikke skje. Dette må stoppes.

Dette var en uhorvelig god film. Den fikk meg virkelig til å tenke på : «Hvordan ender dette?» Og jeg måtte tenke lenge og hardt under nesten 2/3 av filmen før jeg kom opp med løsningen. Og ikke for å skryte, men for å informere å opplyse dere,

jeg har sett mange tusen filmer, og har erfaring med film, god erfaring. Og med mindre du også har like god erfaring som meg eller noe samme (eller bedre) så tror jeg ikke du kommer til å tenke deg fram til løsningen. Ikke uten hint i alle fall.

Denne filmen var super. Den hadde ekstreme effekter som gjorde den skummel og skrekkingytende. Musikk som fikk deg til å tenke «Å nei, hva skjer nå?» og ekle objekter som går igjen i filmen. Klassiske lyder som gjør filmen enda litt mer ekkel-skummel, sånn som knirkende trapper og dører og lignende.

Denne filmen var bare brilliant. Storyen i den var så god, og spenningen i den så perfekt. Byggende oppover. Spenningskurven var radikal! Om jeg skal beskrive den med en setning så må det ha blitt: «Den var rotete, men på en ryddig måte»

Med den åpne slutten der, så kan jeg ikke si jeg kommer på en eneste negativ ting å si om filmen. Jeg finner bare ikke noen dårlige momenter ved den, men det er jo en god ting, er det ikke det da?

Jeg bruker vanligvis å nevne spesielle scener som var gode, men jeg kan ikke gjøre det med denne filmen. Hvorfor? Jo, fordi hele filmen var god, alle scenene var supre. Det er ingenting å pirke på. Jeg mener karakteristikken var jo ikke akkurat dårlig. Tvert imot, Joner gjorde en fantastisk jobb i rollen som den han var (må ikke røpe noe vet du.) og det var de andre å. Ikke like gode som Joner, men det var fordi Joner hadde hovedrollen og de hadde biroller. Biroller legges ikke så mye merke til som hovedroller skjønner du. Man legger ikke like mye merke til hvor bra de spiller da vet du. Så karakteristikken var perfekt. Hva med resten? 
Atmosfæren var super, og det er uhorvelig viktig i en grøsserfilm.
Omgivelsene var skumle og ekle. Perfekt for en grøsserfilm. Jeg skal ikke røpe noe om omgivelsene, men det jeg mener med omgivelser er for eksempel fjell. For en

grøsserfilm har et fjell hvert ideelt om det har vært en morder løs oppå det og om det har vært en hytte eller en stor bygning for eksempel et hotell eller alpinsenter (må selvsagt være nedlagt) eller en stor og lang hule som går laaaangt innover i fjellet, og gjerne litt nedover. Og det er gjerne en snøstorm som varierer i styrke ettersom morderen nærmer seg folka på fjellet som gjerne har gått seg bort, men tilbake til filmen.

Filmen var som sagt super, den var fantastisk, den var skummel, og den fikk meg til og skvette (noe som sjelden skjer lenger), den var med andre ord eksepsjonellt bra. Den kan jeg anbefale på det sterkeste og av hele mitt hjerte.


Tittel: Skjult

Skuespillere med i filmen er blant annet: Kristoffer Joner, Cecilie Mosli, Anders Danielsen Lie & Bjarte Hjelmeland

Antall stjerner den får fra meg: 10/10 ********** !!!

Andres meninger:

Folket på IMDB – 6,4 / 10

Folket på Filmweb – 4,48 / 6

Adressa – 5 / 6

Aftenposten – 3 / 6

Bergenstidene -4 / 6

Dagbladet – 4 / 6

VG – 4 / 6

Dagsavisa – 5 / 6

NRK P3 – 5 / 6

Natt & Dag – 5 / 6

Side 2 – 2 / 6

Stavanger aftenblad - 5 / 6 

Denne rapporten ble skrevet av Jonny «Shevy» Skjevik

Internet trouble :S

I've had some internet trouble lately, but as always with some help from my brilliant brother it now works again.....He has a magic touch with computers, I swear ^^

Yesterday I saw a Norwegian film. It was awsome, but I'm going to write this review in Noregian since it is in Noregian and it won't come out in any other countries....So, yeah, that's pretty much my update....But I'm going to see a movie today as well (at least one), so shortly I will post the Norwegian one, and late tonight (probable) I will post the other one....=)



Adam Sandler accidentally touches a stewardess and ends up getting tazered and goes to court. There he is found guilty of assault and is set to pay a 3500 dollar fee and go to 20 sessions of anger management. This goes all wrong in all kinds of ways. His “therapist” is a nutjob, the other people in the class are nutjobs as well. Among them are an ex-soldier, the basketball version of a hooligan and two lesbian pornstars.

The film was very funny. The plot here is just genius. And the characters in the film are....just.....Indescribable! The mix of different personalities and all the deception that's going on it's all good. This is the kind of comedy you can sit laid back in your couch with your girlfriend or family and watch totally relaxed on a Sunday evening or night.

With that nice plot twist in the middle of the film nobody gets surprised, but thinks “Am I supposed to be surprised by that?”.The genius in it is, that is the meaning, because of the great ending with the ginormous twist at the end. It's a good movie.

I just have to bring some scenes out in the light here.
Let's start with the first session. It is just brilliant! The introduction of the millennium! We get to know everybody's issues (to use a nice word) and we get to know their (hilarious) issues in the funniest way through some hilarious lines.
Now, the bar scene with John Tutorro (his anger ally Chuck). It is just plain hilarious! All the lines that comes out of Tutorros mouth. And the way it ended up.
And of course there were all the funny moments and lines that came out, but there is one last scene I would like to pull out of the dark. And that is the very last scene. It is so funny! I have nothing more to add to that actually.

Now, for my conclusion I say that this movie is really funny and good. And that it is to recommend.


Title: Anger management
Starring: Adam Sandler, Kevin Nealand, Luiz Guzman, John Turtorro, Woody Harrelson, Jack Nicholson & Marisa Tomei
*s: 6.4/10

Review is written by Jonny “Shevy” Skjevik

A single mistake, and down we go...

The word has come around that someone have a heart that is so strong it survived a “Beijing Cocktail”. And once again Chevy gets heart-trouble. Actually it's more like the opposite no-heart-trouble. A rich triad leader has stolen his heart (no, he has not turned gay) and replaced it with an artificial one. And the battery on the “heart” is running empty. And Chevy is running out of time.

This was a great movie all in all. It had (very much like, but at the same time not at all like the first one) everything possible to make it good. It had Action, love, whores, catfights, barfights, whorehouses, pimps, idiots, scams, mistakes, misunderstandings, fighting, shooting and sickness at a high level, electricity, stunguns, public sex (had to have some in the sequel as well), interrigations, shotguns far up your ass, torture, nipples, elbows, sushi, vommit, flying guts, ricocheting bullets, therapy, horny therapist, shoot-out, pools, talking heads telling you to fuck off, horsebackriding, cowboyhat, Chinese guy jumping around

with panties over his head on national television, Gays, vengeance, hilarious phrases, gay biker clubs, Roman mythology (Venus), choking, fingers, killing, broken glassbottles, good characters, great lines, brilliant choreography, explicit setting, superb effects, a more or less perfect story and indirect humour.....

I liked this movie as well, but this one got a little out of hand at the end (at the last recharge from the power lines), and that kind of ruined it for me. If it hadn't been for that I would have given it at least 9 stars, but nope.

It was great duh. And I do recommend it. I got many a laugh at this one as well. And I bet my neighbors are complaining as we speak (or type).


Title: Crank: High Voltage
Starring: Jason Statham, Amy Smart, Dwight Yoakam, Art Shu, David Carradine and Clifton Collins Jr.
*s: 6.5/10

Review written by Jonny “Shevy” Skjevik

What an Adrenalinrush!!!

Chevy is a professional hitman. Who has just done a hit someone got pissed off about. And that someone injects Chevy with a «Beijing Cocktail» and now he has 1 hour left to live.

The film was brilliant! Genius! It contained plenty of serious action, but it still made me laugh so loud my neighbors heard it. Every detail in the film is just genius! The shooting of the bird, for an example. Normally I would have found that negative. Killing an innocent bird like that, but the way it's done, I mean it's a single second of the film and nobody even notice it. It's pure brilliancy!

The movie was awesome! Because it had everything that could possibly make it better. It had action, love and romance, vengaence, public sex, carchases, shooting at a high level, choking, killing, broken glassbottles, sowingmachines, blood, secrets, surprises, mistakes, choppers, violence, different moods and atmospheres, black people with baseballbats, headbanging, good music, bad music, Arabs, Haitians, other people, flashing the whole city while standing up on a motorcycle without holding on to it, human hands, good characters, great lines, brilliant choreography, explicit setting, superb effects, a perfect story and indirect humour......Do I sound convincing???

It was:

  • Hilarious

  • Action-filled

  • great

  • superb

  • phenomenal

  • creative

  • shocking

  • multi-cultural

You want more adjectives that describe this movie???
Here's 3
Perfect, brilliant and Genius ;D

I recommend this movie with all my heart, soul, brain and everything else I have.....It got 10 out of 10 possible stars from me.......Watch it and tell me your opinion on it.

What's your favorite scene/moment in the movie???


Title: Crank
Starring: Jason Statham, Amy Smart and Jose Pablo Cantillo
*s: 10/10

This review is written by Jonny “Shevy” Skjevik


Kazakhstan, the greatest country in the world???

This movie evolves around a reporter who is given the job to go to America and learn as much about their culture, language, religion, way of living and everything else as possible and make a documentary about the journey and everything he learns and experiences along the way.

The film was very funny. It is based on racism, male-domination and other provocative subjects, but without it the film would be shit. And I think that the groups it would be provocative towards gets that it's just a movie and that it's meant in a funny and non-provocative way. Actually I think they would find the movie to be very good, like I did, because the film has a humor that most people likes and can find somewhere inside themselves. Personally, I didn't find it provocative at all, but than again I'm not in any of the many groups made fun of.

I liked the plot and all the “facts” about his home country. They're genius. The plot plays out in a way that would end up hilarious, no matter how it's played, twisted or directed, but of course, good direction and following the plot and story and making
the best of it is good too.

I also liked the curve of the drama, the mood changes, fights, arguments, co-operation and partying. It went from one to another. Total opposites.

The film had every aspect of the everyday-life, hatred, love, mistakes, comedy, misunderstanding, drama, dreams, goals, disappointment, problems, solutions, partys, sex, drinking, driving, learning and so much more. I think it is fairly similar to our general John Does life.

The characters in the film were all perfect for the movie. No one that had a flaw, at least not any that I noticed, but than again I could have missed them when I was rolling around on the floor, laughing my ass off. I will not go on and describe ANY of them, because I don't want to change your first impression of it.

This movie was kick-ass! I have seen it 2 times before and still after the 3rd time I laughed my ass all the way off! It was hilarious and just great, simply great. And that's my impression of it, my third impression^^

All in all this movie was amazing. And for my rating I'll give it a solid 9.2 out of 10, because something was missing, I have no freaking idea what, but something was missing.

Title: Borat


Review written by Jonny “Shevy” Skjevik


Talking about Black and White....

This is a thriller based on the first book of the Swedish writer Stieg Larson's trilogy Millennium «Men who hates women» (It's in Swedish both the movies and the books, just so you know). The movie is about a journalist, the last wish of an old (not dying) man and a suspicious disappearance. The journalist partners up with someone (I'm trying not to say to much about the film). And they work the case together, and some other things as well.

This was a good movie. It was filled with action, mystery and some well-earned payback. And it keeps you tense throughout the entire film. This was really my kind of movie. I liked every bit of it, yet I will only give it 7.5 out of 10 stars. Why? Because they called it a thriller. On the back of the cover it said “Thriller”, so I expected a thriller, but I wouldn't say this qualifies as a thriller. It was more like an action-filled crime thingy with a hunch of thriller in it.

The rape-scene that is so much spoken of was very good, and it looked seriously realistic, but I've heard it was gross as hell, I didn't find it gross at all, sure it is rape and all, but still it's just a movie and you're not actually watching someone get raped. That was a good scene.

The fact that they used both old-school and hi-tech methods to solve it impressed me very much. Putting those two opposites together was genius! I liked that a lot.

And I liked the characters very much. They were almost opposites too. And they filled each other out. And Lisbeth was my favorite character I have to say. She was so serious, yet fun. So rough, yet so smooth. So black, yet so white.

The characters were used to the fullest! And that is a huge plus! We saw them from so many different angles. It was simply brilliant, superb. And the job done by the actors were no less.

It was a serious minus that they called it a thriller duh. I have nothing more to say about that.

I really liked this film and I rate it 7.5 out of 10 stars. Nothing more to say about that either.

This review is written by Shevy


Fast, Funny & Furious

This hour long film tells the story of my favourite actors life. Guess who? Who, but Jackie Chan can be so interesting to hear about. So, it was a documentary about his life and career. Mostly about his career. From the early beginning of his life in Hong Kong to late in his life in Hollywood and New York. Throughout his entire career as a stuntman, movie-star, martial arts legend, producer and so much more is in this hour-long film. He even reveals his future plans.

This film was very interesting and informative. It told us a lot about his life and career. We got to know his opinions on different things. We got to see things from different perspectives. It showed us why Jackie is the legend he is today, how he started at “the bottom” and worked his way up from small parts in random movies to making his own and being the main character. Based on all these things and dozens more I state my opinion as this: “I loved it. It is the only documentary I have really enjoyed (there is only one more documentary that I have enjoyed at all and that is “An inconvenient truth” with Al Gore) and found interesting.

I really do recommend this film to anyone who likes Jackie, and/or his movies (so, practically, I'm recommending it to every man and women in this world). You will most likely enjoy it. I sure did.

And as usual I rate the film. This time is actually kind of special because it is the very first time I have rated a film with a rating as high as this, which is as high as possible. In other words, I'm giving it ten out of ten stars.

Written by Jonny “Shevy” Skjevik


He lived an interesting life...

The author formed the book in the shape and form he wanted it to be. And he did it succesfully. The story of his life gets told in a way that let's the reader be in charge. Let's the reader see it the way he wants to. The story has it's up and downs, but they come when Che has his ups and downs, meaning that the story is captative. The story starts from the start and goes on to beyond the end. The end of his life that is.

The book told the story of Ernesto Guevara de la Serna's life chronologically as things happened. It contained every important happening of his life. And left out only the things that would have brought the book down. In other words, he perfected the book.

The Author stands neutral troughout the entire book. Which he is supposed to. Yet he managed to get his oppinions out in the open anyway. And he did that without even touching the readers oppinion of the big question, was he a saint or a sinner?

The book gives us the information we're loking for if we want to know more about his life both before and after he joined up with Fidel Castro. Also if we wanted to know some other non-political facts about him, we would be satisfied. It gives us a clear overlook of his entire life and acomplishments, what he stands for and what he is against and so much more.

This book I found extremely interesting, good and exiting. And it is a biography! Yes, I really liked it. It was so full of all kinds of facts and knowledge about Che. I would recommend this book, but like any other biography you have to be into that person/group of persons to be able to like it, so that is who I am Recommending it to, the people who wants to know more about the man who among only 15 others beat an entire countries army, The ones who look at him as a hero and a saint and those who are interested in the cuban revolution.'


Title: Che Guevara

Author: Håvard Henmo

Thi s review was written by Jonny «Shevy» Skjevik...


What movies do you want me to review....

Are there any special films you want a review on tell me.....And I'll see if I can't get it into my "Thight " schedule......;D

Tell me what to review, help me spread the word about this blog and last but certainly not least, ENJOY my blog....

Totally magical...

The movie was wrapped around a wizard family that constantly fights and never stop having issues. New issues turns up every day. And in this movie, one of the issues gets to big and the daughter indirectly casts a spell that makes their parents total strangers. Just as if they never met. And that being said, if they never met, the kids shouldn't be existing. And they find out that if they don't do anything soon, they will cease to exist.

This movie was based on a Disney Channel TV-series called «The wizards on Waverly place», so it is not strange that it does not contain violence and that sort of things. The movie was however very good. The general idea of the every day fighting family is simply genius. Now, if you add some magic to that family, you get the Russo's. Now imagine the kids hate each other, at least it seems that way. They have to work together and co-operate to fix the mess they are in.

The characters are good. As any other cliché fighting-family it consists of two parents who is very different, and 3 kids (usually it's two kids, but whatever). Two opposites and a random mess (yes, I am talking about the kids). And an ex-wizard who are similar to the kids in some ways, but totally not in some other ways.

The settings were good, they were very different. In other words, they varied. And that is pretty important, that it's not just at the hotel, the beach or whatever. And it didn't vary like from one side of the city to the other. It went from city life to more exotic places and to the rainforest. It varied the way it is suppose to. Taking something and turning it up-side down.

The atmosphere between the characters changed from good to tense and other ones. It was good at that area as well.

Maybe it's just me or the fact that I watched the film online in bad quality, but when it came to the effects I wasn't to impressed (but it could seriously be the horrible quality, cause it was really bad). I am not going to say to much about the effects, actually, all I was going to say, has already been said.

The movie was filled with adventure, action, conflicts, weirdos and comedy. It was kind of like a great mix of Indiana Jones, Jumanji and Harry Potter. Some scenes really stuck to me. Some stuck to me because they made me laugh. And some because of the thrill. And some others simply because of the good cliché lines.

To finish of this review I would like to say that I enjoyed this film, and if you like fantasy, magic, spells, adventure, action or just enjoy all Disney films I think you will too. If I were to rate this film with the maximum score being 10 stars, I would rate it with 6.

Title: The wizards of Waverly place: The movie

This Review was written by Jonny “Shevy” Skjevik...

Surprise, surprise.....

Here is a filmreview even I dedn't see coming....

Enjoy ;D


Upcoming review.....

Soon (probable at monday or tuesday next week), I will post my review of the biography about Che Guevara...

hope ya like....

Goodnight people....

Death is funny now days...

Frank is a «Psychic investigator» or as I like to call him, a con artist.
He fools people who recently has lost someone close for a living. It isn't going to well. Actually nothing is going well for Frank. Buisness is going to hell (which someone else in the movie actually will too), he fells in love with this girl he has scammed when he meets her a second time to find out she is going to die. And his co-cons are «getting to old for this shit», and he faces the man in the cape, chases him and tries to stop him from killing people, which ends up in people thinking he killed them. And as if that is not enough, his co-workers are poltergeists!

The idea that is Franks job situation and the rest of his situation is brilliant!
And Frank himself «grows» throughout the film. He changes from a person who thinks of money in front of everything else, and whose only feeling is anger and misery, into a loving, caring person who would take a bullet for other people (actually he does, sort of).

I liked all of the characters, but especially the poltergeists Frank worked with, cause of their totally different personalities, language, opinions and cultural heritage.
And I liked the federal agent, Cause of his manias and clothing. It gave him a «bad guy-look». Not that that is weird, as alike Adolf as he is.
And the nutjob with my name, Johnny (I write it without the H duh) well, I like him for being the nutty maniac he is. And how good he is to count, wow!
And the sheriff character because he fit the general image of the typical sheriff.
And I liked the other characters as well of course, I liked them all, at least the ones I can remember, but the ones I remember I can be sure was good, because they were rememberable. The characters were amazing. They just were.

The destination of the story was good to. The atmosphere in that little town were perfect! The concept of a little town where everybody knows everybody and where nothing ever happens is genius itself. The nature and the diferent landscapes were very good.

And the storyline is genius! I will not tell you anything (more) that happened, therefore I skip telling about the great storyline. The excitement curve rises exactly the tempo it is supposed to (according to me anyways). The mystery survives to the very end. They drop off hints along the road every now and then. The action- and the comedybar is both high. As high as they can be without pushing the other one down. It is the perfect mix of everything!

And on top of it all, the effects and the music were great too! (I mean, the effects probable could have been better, but they were so good that I didn't notice how bad they were...Or something like that)

If I were to rate this film with ten as maximum score I would probable give it 6-7.

Title: The Frighteners
Genre: Horror-comedy

This Film review was written by Jonny “Shevy” Skjevik...
Thank you for reading...